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Used as a transition router, to control which transition to run next.


If you choose to handle navigation with something other than barba.js, this function can be omitted and removed. As it's built to extend the barba-api.

Trigger and run specific transitions not tied to specific routes (as is Barba default behavior). Should be passed to a Barba instance like:

  transitions: useTransition({
    page: {
      myTransition: {
        // any barba hooks
        enter() {
          console.log('i will run if nothing else is set with setTransition')
      myOtherTransition: {
        leave() {
        enter() {
    global: {
      // any barba hooks
      leave() {
        console.log('i will run on every page shift, no matter what transition is active')
      enter() {},

Runtime usage

Somewhere in your app, when you want some other than default-transition to run. Preferably triggered by an click event of a link

myLink.addEventListener('click', () => {
  // logs 'leaving' and 'entering' next time a navigation happens

If no transition is set before a page shift happens, the first one in { page } will be used. So any "default" page transition must be put as the first key in the object, when running useTransition.